How We Became the First Foreclosure Reporting Service in Texas

Posted by Blog User on Jun 22, 2018

Foreclosure Information & Listing Service, Inc. is family owned and operated and was established in 1963. It was the first such foreclosure reporting service in Texas. 

The company's founder was an aspiring real estate agent who discovered that if he monitored the foreclosure notices posted in the county he would have an advantage in listing the HUD foreclosures. 

His friends and colleagues insisted that he should start a report of the foreclosure postings. Since it was so inconvenient for the public to physically go to the courthouse and review hundreds (and today thousands) of foreclosure notices he discovered that the demand for a comprehensive and user friendly format of the data could be readily satisfied in the form of what ultimately became Foreclosure Listing Service.

The original owner and his wife began publishing the foreclosure list in Dallas with Houston to follow shortly in 1967.

Today the expertise of FILS, Inc. is relied upon by many of Houston's major financial institutions, title companies, residential and commercial real estate firms, and most importantly Houston's real estate investor community. 

Our 50+ years in the Texas foreclosure market has fostered exclusive relationships with the entities responsible for foreclosure transactions both judicially and non-judicially. These relationships are the basis for our timely, customized data that we provide to you, our client. 

Through our solid reputation and quality service, we are able to meet the needs of the investment community by transforming the raw data into constantly updated, user-friendly reports investors use today. 

Foreclosure Information & Listing Service, Inc. continues to be a family affair. The founder's daughter and her husband brought fresh ideas and their commitment to the Houston operation in 1982. 

The business's family legacy continues to grow as the third generation commits to the same blueprint of growth and success.

To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us today.